Rollator Duo Transit Orange

$ 0 .00

The Aidapt Duo Deluxe is a 2 in 1 Rollator that can also be used as a transit wheelchair.

This model allows the user to walk with the Rollator and sit down to rest when needed.

It has built in footrests allowing it to be used as a transit chair so that the user can be pushed by a carer.

Features of the Duo Deluxe 2 in 1 Rollator include ergonomic handles, loop handled brakes with a park setting, built in seat, a padded backrest, a walking stick holder, a handy shopping bag with shoulder strap, easy folding mechanism for storage and transportation.

The handle height can be adjusted easily and the built in high visibility reflectors make using the Rollator at night safer.

The Rollator is available in a range of modern and vibrant colours to suit all tastes. 

Weight capacity: 120kg

Product Information

SKU VP1840
Barcode 5021196769262
Weight 10.50kgs
Brand Aidapt